Meaning and Origin of the Name Cadha
The name Cadha is a girl’s name with Scottish heritage.

The way you pronounce Cadha is Ca-dha. The meaning of Cadha is “From the steep place”.
Popularity of the Name
Cadha is not a popular name according to Scottish Government only 2 babies were given the name Cadha in 2020.
Traits of People with the Name
And according to the website Babynology, people with that name are optimistic, and love life. Since they come from a steep place, it stands to reason that they rise above most of their peers.
Related Names
There are many other names related to Cadha: Lane, Braylee, Ariella, Beatrice, Alexita, Ainsley, Alexsey, Calder, Rowan, Alexionna, and Zola. These are all very strong names.
A list of similar names: Bonni, Bonny-Lee, Cristy, Cameron, Blair, Cailleach, Eirica, Garia, Fyfa, Firtha, Gavenia, Iseabal, Grizel, Jami, Jamison, Muire, Leslie, Tira, Wallis, and Rose. Most of these names are very unusual with unusual spelling.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish girls’ names.